Resources for Staff
Adults with DD may not be a prevalant population that you serve, but a range of one-page clinical tools are available to assist in the provision of care when they come in. We encourage sites to embed these into existing care processes as much as possible to optimize their use:
Head to Toe Assessment
This resource, developed by Dr. Liz Grier, provides a one page guide of what to look for when doing a head-to-toe and you wish to look beyond your usual assessment. We know that adults with DD have particular health needs and that there are underlying medical issues that may be missed - particularily when an individual is in a state of crisis.
Tip sheets for Clinical Staff
These one page summaries provide tips relevant to each role and supporting patients with DD.
- for MDs / en français
- for RNs / en français
- for Social Work
Navigating Developmental Services Ontario
This resource provides an overview of the DSO and contact information for the nine DSO sites.
Communication Tips
This one page document provides some considerations and strategies for staff to improve communication with patients with DD.
Environmental Accommodations
This document provides some considerations and strategies on how small adapatations to the setting and environment can have a major impact on someone with DD.
Rapid Tranquilization
This document prepared by the Developmental Disabilities Primary Care Initative provides recommendations on the use of psychotropics for the purpose of rapid tranquilization and sedation.
Educational Videos
These brief instructional videos review three common scenarios in the ED involving patients with DD. Do's and Don'ts are provided.
Tip Cards
These cards provide facts about DD as well as some tips for providers in recognizing, communicating and caring for patients with DD.
Resources for Patients and Caregivers
These materials are prepared specifically for patients with DD and their caregivers. We encourage EDs to integrate these into the care that is provided. Some of these resources can be given out as information, whereas others can be used during the visit to foster communication and understanding.
About Me
Use this during the visit or hand it out and encourage the patient to complete and bring it with them next time. It will help staff to know about the person!
Exit Interview
This document is to be completed by social work, a nurse, or the physician with the patient. It contains prompts for you to summarize the visit and follow up in a clear and simple way to optimize patient involvement and understanding.
Going to the ED: A Social Story
A social story is a person-centred telling of 'what to expect'. These can help prepare an anxious or curious patient. This is a general version that you can download and modify to your setting.
Getting a Blood Test: A Social Story
This social story is meant to help patients understand the purpose of a blood test and what they can expect. Review this with patient and encourage questions. This is a general version you can download and modify to your setting.
Getting More Money
This handout is written in clear language for people with DD/caregivers and explains some of the financial programs that they may be eligible for.
Going to the ED: Videos for Patients
This document provides links to videos for patients with DD and can help them prepare for an ED visit or other medical procedures such as a blood test.
Helpful Websites
Print this out as a handout that provide a simple list of websites designed for people with DD, focused on healthy living.
Crisis Prevention and Management
This document prepared by the Developmental Disabilities Primary Care Initative provides recommendations on crisis prevention and management for caregivers.
Improving emergency care for people with developmental disabilities: What does the research tell us?