Learn more about how primary care providers can help patients dealing with mental health and addiction issues. Each of these sections reflect the latest evidence, using a “just the pearls” approach to providing clinically tested guidance on detecting and managing mental health problems within the primary care context. They provide a comprehensive, practical resource designed to support the work of primary care providers who encounter mental health problems in their everyday practice.
Coming soon: Gambling, Gaming and Technology Use
We're posting a new section (for camh.ca) on Gambling, Gaming and Technology Use. You can still visit the original pages until these are up and running. In the meantime, please consider this upcoming webinar on Sports Betting Marketing and Problem Gambling: Trends and Legislation, Thursday February 20 at 12 noon EST.
Brief Psychiatric Interviewing
in Primary Care Learn more
Treatment programs and projects at CAMH
NAVIGATE is a standardized, evidence-based treatment program that focuses on recovery for youth and emerging adults with a first episode of psychosis. NAVIGATE coordinates specialty care provided by a multidisciplinary team of clinicians and service providers offering client and family resources. Learn more.
Treating Youth Depression
The CARIBOU Pathway is an integrated care pathway (ICP) for the treatment of youth depression for outpatient youth ages 13 to 24 with an evidence-based approach with a measurement-based care framework for assessing and monitoring their progress. Learn more.
Coping with COVID-19 ECHO
ECHO Coping with COVID is designed for healthcare providers and health professions students responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. Learn more.
Virtual Mental Health
Virtual care is any clinical interaction between patients and health providers through communication technologies, including video- and/or audio- modalities for providing care. The aim of virtual care is to provide person-centered, quality of care that is equitable, safe, and effective. Learn more.
ECHO Ontario Mental Health
ECHO Ontario Mental Health is a virtual training and capacity building model that supports healthcare providers in delivering high quality, evidence-based mental health and addictions care in their local communities. Learn more.
Approaches to Care: Patient-Centred Care
Client/patient- and family-centred care is an approach that fosters respectful, compassionate, culturally appropriate and competent care that is responsive to the needs, values, beliefs and preferences of clients, patients and their family members. Learn more.
CAMH Virtual Reality (VR) Suicide risk assessment training
The CAMH Simulation Centre has designed and developed an innovative Virtual Reality (VR) suicide risk assessment training. This VR suicide risk assessment training offers participants the opportunity to complete a suicide risk assessment with two different avatar patients.
The Immigrant and Refugee Mental Health Project (IRMHP)
HEIA is a practical tool for identifying and improving the health equity impacts of your initiatives. Learn more.
Health Care Access Research and Developmental Disabilities (HCARDD)
HCARDD works on improving the health and health care of adults with developmental disabilities. They have been studying the health and health care of over 66,000 adults with developmental disabilities in Ontario since 2010. Learn more.
Opioid Use in Primary Care Virtual annual conference
Designed for anyone involved in the care and support of people who use opioids, this one-day event will provide the opportunity to learn about and discuss topics related to opioid use practices, policies, treatments and harm reduction. Learn more.
Ontario Psychiatric Outreach Program (OPOP)
The Ontario Psychiatric Outreach Program (OPOP), formed in 1999, is a collaborative and dynamic network of dedicated academics and practitioners in the mental health field, sharing expertise and resources to deliver clinical services and education to Ontario's rural, remote and under-serviced areas. Includes the Northern Psychiatric Outreach Program at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (NPOP-C) program. Learn more.
Supporting a Family Member With Schizophrenia
Supporting a family member with schizophrenia offers tools and resources that help people with schizophrenia and their families develop customized strategies that support an independent and fulfilling life in the community. Learn more.
Psychiatric Interviewing Video Series
Dr. David Goldbloom, Senior Medical Advisor at CAMH, goes through a series of scenarios for primary care practitioners.