The Illness Awareness Scales
The Illness Awareness Scales measure the core dimensions of clinical insight in metabolic disorders, including general illness awareness, symptom attribution, awareness of need for treatment, and awareness of negative consequences attributable to the illness. The illness awareness scales was designed to assess clinical insight in metabolic disorders, including obesity (OASIS©), hypertension (BASIS©), and diabetes (DAS©).
The OASIS©, BASIS©, and DAS© scales were the first illness awareness scales in metabolic disorders. The 8 to 9-item self-report scales are easy to complete and can be done in less than 2 minutes. These illness awareness scales show good internal consistency, reliability and validity. Using a 10-point Likert scale for each item, the illness awareness scales have the capacity to detect small, temporally sensitive changes in insight.
The OASIS©, BASIS©, and DAS© scales are available for download. By downloading or using any of the tools, you are agreeing to the terms of use.
Information about the translators can be found on the Acknowledgements page.