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Testing image upload - Tarek Rajji

Building on the aging brain’s capacity to cope

Looking for clues that could delay, prevent or reverse the progression of conditions like Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias.

About Building on the aging brain’s capacity to cope

Youth Wellness Hubs Ontario expands virtual youth mental health services with support from RBC Future Launch

About Youth Wellness Hubs Ontario expands virtual youth mental health services with support from RBC Future Launch
man with mask

Workplace mental health top of mind for Canada’s business leaders

Last month, more than 80 executive business leaders attended CAMH’s inaugural Business Leaders for Mental Health Action summit.

About Workplace mental health top of mind for Canada’s business leaders
Young person in front of rainbow flag

CAMH, YWHO, ACCESS Open Minds and Foundry launch first-of-its kind initiative to help young people with mental health challenges find employment

Funded by the Future Skills Centre, project will provide support more than 700 youth in 12 locations

About CAMH, YWHO, ACCESS Open Minds and Foundry launch first-of-its kind initiative to help young people with mental health challenges find employment
Brainhealth databank masthead

The CAMH BrainHealth Databank

How a hospital-wide commitment to collaborative patient-centred care enhanced by machine-learning is poised to transform the diagnosis, treatment and care of mental illness at CAMH

About The CAMH BrainHealth Databank
Older couple reading a tablet

York University and CAMH launch first-of-its-kind Canadian Guide on Mental Health Literacy for Autism

Free online document a key resource for autistic and autism communities, families, caregivers, mental health practitioners, and service providers

About York University and CAMH launch first-of-its-kind Canadian Guide on Mental Health Literacy for Autism
Woman thinking

Large numbers of regular drug users report increased substance use and heightened fear of relapse and overdose during COVID-19

CAMH survey indicates drug users are being disproportionately impacted by COVID in a variety of ways, in large part due to supply disruption and other COVID-related societal changes.

About Large numbers of regular drug users report increased substance use and heightened fear of relapse and overdose during COVID-19
Person inspecting cannabis leaf

Genetic predisposition to schizophrenia may increase risk of psychosis from cannabis use

Cannabis users with high genetic predisposition to schizophrenia had pronounced higher rates of psychotic experiences than non-users

About Genetic predisposition to schizophrenia may increase risk of psychosis from cannabis use
Woman wearing mask

One year into pandemic, about one in five Canadians reporting high levels of mental distress

CAMH clinicians on the front lines say Canada was already in a mental health crisis before COVID-19 began, and the pandemic is exacerbating the emergency

About One year into pandemic, about one in five Canadians reporting high levels of mental distress
Stock image: boy playing on wall

New research finds majority of children with autism may be ‘doing well’

National study led by SickKids and CAMH takes a strengths-based approach to autism assessment

About New research finds majority of children with autism may be ‘doing well’