Between National Aboriginal History Month, National Aboriginal Day and the launch of their new project and webinar, June was a busy month for CAMH’s Provincial System Support Program (PSSP)’s Aboriginal Engagement and Outreach (AEO) team.
We asked team members Holly Smith and Krystine Abel to share some information about the project.
This is also our inaugural 5Qs post format, in which we ask contributors to answer five easy questions about their work. Let us know how you like the format!
Who are you and what is your position at CAMH?
Holly Smith, Project Co-ordinator, and Krystine Abel, Aboriginal Evaluation Co-ordinator, with CAMH’s PSSP.
What project are you currently involved with?
Trauma-Informed Substance Use Screening and Assessment Tools for First Nations and Inuit Peoples is a project funded by the Drug Treatment Funding Program (DTFP). The project team recently held a webinar that provided an overview of the project, where we currently are with the project, and what the next steps are.The webinar link, the DTFP project website, and the AEO website are included below in Where can someone get more information?
What is the goal of this project?
The goal of this project is to develop and create culturally relevant screening and assessment tools for First Nations and Inuit people.These tools are being developed through dialogue and engagement of First Nations and Inuit mental health and substance use service providers in Ontario.
These tools will take into consideration the historical context and experience of First Nations and Inuit people and will be developed specifically for and by First Nations and Inuit people.
Who is this project geared toward?
The current stage of this project is geared toward our participating First Nations and Inuit mental health substance use agencies and organizations.We have recently completed the majority (12 of 14) of development site visits to help inform the tool content. We’re currently analyzing the data from those visits in order to create an initial draft of the tool.
We are planning on returning to the sites to present the initial tool, receive feedback and implement recommendations. Our goal is to have a final draft completed, along with a plan for piloting and evaluation, by December 2016.
Where can someone get more information?
View a recording of the webinar: out more about this project:
Check out the PSSP Aboriginal Engagement and Outreach page on Portico: