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Battered Woman Syndrome: Updating the expert checklist

Graham Glancy, Marissa Heintzman, Adam Wheeler | International Journal of Risk and Recovery, December, 2019

About Battered Woman Syndrome: Updating the expert checklist

Canadian Landmark Cases in Forensic Mental Health

Graham Glancy, Cheryl Regehr | University of Toronto Press, Scholarly Publishing Division, March, 2020

About Canadian Landmark Cases in Forensic Mental Health

Challenging Language Barriers

Esperanza Gómez-Durán and Roland Jones | Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology in Europe, May, 2018

About Challenging Language Barriers

Change in Severity of Mental Disorder of Remand Prisoners: An observational group-based trajectory study

Roland Jones, Cory Gerritsen, Margaret Maheandiran, Alexander Simpson | Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, July, 2022

About Change in Severity of Mental Disorder of Remand Prisoners: An observational group-based trajectory study

Chronic Psychotic Disorders and Correctional Involvement: A population-based matched case-control study in Ontario, Canada

Ruchi Vijh, Fiona Kouyoumdjian, Tomisin Iwajomo, Sandy Simpson, Roland Jones, Claire De Oliveira, Paul Kurdyak | Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, July, 2023

About Chronic Psychotic Disorders and Correctional Involvement: A population-based matched case-control study in Ontario, Canada

Clinical, Demographic, and Criminal Behavior Characteristics of Patients With Intellectual Disabilities in a Canadian Forensic Program

Ipsita Ray, Alexander Simpson, Roland Jones, Kristina Shatokhina, Anupam Thakur, Benoit Mulsant | Frontiers in Psychiatry, October, 2019

About Clinical, Demographic, and Criminal Behavior Characteristics of Patients With Intellectual Disabilities in a Canadian Forensic Program

Assessment of Risk for Seclusion Among Forensic Inpatients: Validation and modification of the Risk of Administrative Segregation Tool (RAST)

Zoe Hilton, Elke Ham, Michael Seto | International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, February, 2019

About Assessment of Risk for Seclusion Among Forensic Inpatients: Validation and modification of the Risk of Administrative Segregation Tool (RAST)

Clinicians’ Perceptions of the Implementation of the Structured Assessment of Protective Factors for Violence Risk (SAPROF) on an Inpatient Forensic Unit

Tom Domjancic, Treena Wilkie, Shaheen Darani, Brittney Williams, Bandhana Maheru, Zahra Jamal | International Journal of Risk and Recovery, October, 2019

About Clinicians’ Perceptions of the Implementation of the Structured Assessment of Protective Factors for Violence Risk (SAPROF) on an Inpatient Forensic Unit

Construct Validity and Concordance of Clinician- and Patient-Rated DUNDRUM Programme Completion and Recovery Scales

Austin Lam, Stephanie Penney, Alexander Simpson | International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, November, 2022

About Construct Validity and Concordance of Clinician- and Patient-Rated DUNDRUM Programme Completion and Recovery Scales

Co-occurring Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorders in Canadian Forensic Inpatients: Underdiagnosis and implications for treatment planning

Zoe Hilton, Shari McKee, Elke Ham, Michelle Green, Lauren Wright | International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, April, 2018

About Co-occurring Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorders in Canadian Forensic Inpatients: Underdiagnosis and implications for treatment planning