For service outside of the Metro Toronto region, contact the Ontario Problem Gambling Helpline at 1-888-230-3505 at any time. They will be able to provide you with contact information for the nearest treatment agency.
Types of Treatment and Services Offered
Assessment and referrals
Group treatment for people with problems with gambling or problems with technology use
Group psycho-education and support for family members or loved ones of adults with problems gambling or technology use
Group treatment for youth (age 16-25) with problem technology use
Group and individual support for parents of youth with problem technology use
Emotion Regulation group for people with problem gambling or problem technology use
Psychiatric consultation and follow-up
Program Overview
The Problem Gambling and Technology Use Service offers specialized services for individuals whose gambling or technology use (Internet, computer, gaming, social media, or smart phone) is problematic and has led to difficulties in other parts of their lives including: relationships with family or friends, school achievement, finances, self-care and/or work.
The service offers support to both individuals and their family members. Treatment is primarily group-based as this is the most effective treatment for individuals recovering from a gambling problem or a technology problem. The client and clinician collaboratively decide the best course of treatment. If group treatment is not the best approach, other options may be discussed. As required, consultation by a psychiatrist and/or referrals to other services at CAMH or outside CAMH may also be available or recommended.
Service in the clinic begins with an individual assessment where a clinician will get to know the individual’s specific problems around gambling or technology use and how they impact the individual and their family. These may include co-occurring mental health or addiction issues or other psycho-social needs.
Treatment Groups Include:
For Adults with Problem Gambling or Technology Use: Adults move through 3 phases of group treatment – Prep for Change Group (up to 12 weeks), Skills for Change Group (8 weeks), and Moving Forward Group (up to 6 months).
For Family Members or Loved Ones of Adults with Problem Gambling and Technology Use: A 4-session psycho-education and support group is available a few times a year.
For Youth with Problem Technology Use: Youth, ages 16-25, a 10 week IN PERSON group
For Parents of Youth with Problem Technology Use: An 8 session psycho-education and support group runs 3 times a year.
Emotion Regulation Group: A 10 week closed skills building group and runs a few times a year based on wait list.