Dr. Etay Hay is a scientist at the Krembil Centre for Neuroinformatics at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH). He is also an assistant professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Toronto.
Areas of Research
Dr. Hay’s research uses computational models of cortical microcircuits to study the mechanisms of brain processing in health and mental disorders. Dr. Hay and his team integrate human cellular, circuit and gene-expression data to develop detailed computational models of human cortical microcircuits in health, depression and schizophrenia. Hay lab uses the models to better understand the neuronal circuit mechanisms of brain function and mental health, test in silico new pharmacology for treatment, and identify corresponding biomarkers in clinically-relevant brain signals to improve the diagnosis and monitoring of mental health.
For more information view Dr. Hay’s lab website (www.haybrainlab.com)
View Dr. Hay’s publications on Google Scholar.