Dr. Elizabeth Lin is a scientist within Education Research at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), and an associate professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Toronto.
Areas of Research
Dr. Lin has two primary areas of scholarly focus. One is using information from large-scale population surveys or administrative databases to describe how people use mental health care and to point out areas where service delivery might be improved. Her research in this area includes using administrative data to describe gaps in the health and health care access of adults with developmental disabilities in Ontario compared to the general population as well as their overrepresentation in the forensic and correctional systems. More recently, she has added a focus on education research. Current work includes evaluating the effectiveness of safety skills training methods for clinical staff as well as a literature review of how Recovery Colleges are evaluated.
Selected Publications and Reports
Lin, E., Malhas, M., Bratsalis, E., Thomson, K., Boateng, R., Hargreaves, F., Baig, H., Benadict, M.B., & Busch, L. Behavioural skills training for teaching safety skills to mental health clinicians: A protocol for a pragmatic randomized control trial. JMIR Research Protocols, Dec 14, 2022; e39672.Lin, E., Balogh, R., McGarry, C., Selick, A., Dobranowski, K., Wilton, A.S., and Lunsky, Y. Substance-related and addictive disorders among adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD): An Ontario population-based study. BMJ Open
Soklaridis, S. Harris, H., Gruszecki, S., Bellissimo, G., Shier, R., Di Giandomenico, A., Rovet, J., Black, G., & Lin, E. Fidelity and adaptation: Reflections on Recovery Colleges globally. (Invited commentary). The Lancet Psychiatry, 10: 736-737. 2023. https://doi.org/10.1016/S2215-0366(23)00290-0.
Lin, E., Harris, H., Black, G., Bellissimo, G., Di Giandomenico, A., Rodak, T., Costa-Dookhan, K.A., Shier, R., Rovet, J., Gruszecki, S., & Soklaridis, S. Evaluating Recovery Colleges: a co-created scoping review. Journal of Mental Health, published online November 8, 2022, 1-22. DOI: 10.1080/09638237.2002.214788.
Soklaridis, S., Lin, E., Black, G., Paton, M., LeBlanc, C., Besa, R., MacLeod, A., Silver, I., Whitehead, C.R., & Kuper, A. Moving beyond ‘Think leadership, think white male:’ The contents and contexts of equity, diversity and inclusion in physician leadership programs. BMJ Leader, 2022, 6(2):146-157. http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/leader-2021-000542.
Lin, E., Lunsky, Y., Chung, H., Durbin, A., Volpe, T., Dobranowski, K., Benadict, M.B., & Balogh, R. Amenable deaths among adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities and with Down syndrome: an Ontario population-based cohort study. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 2023, 36:165-175. https://doi.org/10.1111/jar.13047.
Lin, E., Balogh, R., Chung, H., Dobranowski, K., Durbin, A., Volpe, T., & Lunsky, Y. Looking across health and health care outcomes for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) and psychiatric disorders: A population-based longitudinal study in Ontario, Canada. British Journal of Psychiatry, 218(1): 51-57, January 2021. doi: 10.1192/bjp.2020.202.
Lunsky, L., Lai, M-C., Balogh, R., Chung, H., Durbin, A., Jachyra, P., Tint, A., Weiss, J., & Lin, E. Premature mortality in a population cohort of autistic adults in Canada. Autism Research, 2022 Aug; 15(8):1550-1559. doi: 10.1002/aur.2741. Epub 2022 May 28.
Lloyd, M., Dobranowski, K., Lunsky,Y, Cheng, S.Y., Temple, V.A., Foley, J., Lin, E., & Balogh, R. Matching Special Olympics registration data with administration health databases: Feasibility and health status differences in children and youth with IDD. Disability and Health, 15(3), July 2022, 101319. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dhjo.2022.101319
Lin, E., Balogh, R., Isaac, B., Ouellette-Kuntz, H., Selick, A., Wilton, A., Cobigo, V., and Lunsky, Y. Strengths and limitations of health and disability support administrative databases for population-based health research in intellectual and developmental disabilities. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 11(4): 235-244, 2014. Doi: 10.1111/jppi.12098.
Lin, E., Balogh, R., Cobigo, V., Ouellette-Kuntz, H., Wilton, A., and Lunsky, Y. Using administrative health data to identify individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities: A comparison of algorithms. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 57(5): 462-477, 2013. (DOI 10.1111/jir.12002)