We are studying how cannabis use may affect driving, and you may be eligible to take part in our study.
After alcohol, cannabis is the most commonly detected substance in people who become seriously or fatally injured while driving. Studies have also shown that driving under the influence of cannabis leads to an increase in collision risk.
Given these important safety concerns, we are using CAMH’s state-of-the-art driving simulator to assess the impacts of cannabis use on driving.
You may be eligible if you:
- are 19 to 45 years old;
- have a valid driver’s license; and
- use cannabis regularly.
Participants will receive compensation for their time.
To ask about joining our study, contact us at 416-535-8501 ext. 34489 or candrive@camh.ca or complete our eligibility survey at https://j.mp/2VAsaTT
CAMH REB number: 007/2018