Providing care in forensic mental health hospitals has been uniquely challenging in the age of the COVID-19 pandemic. CAMH and University of Toronto, Forensic Division, in partnership with the National Forensic Mental Health Service in Dublin, will be presenting a six-part webinar series that brings together leaders of the international forensic psychiatry community.
Each week we will hear from speakers providing their regional perspectives and best practices on managing this pandemic in a secure hospital setting.
The webinar series is co-hosted by Associate Prof. Sandy Simpson, University of Toronto and Prof. Harry Kennedy, Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin.
Session 1: June 5, 2020
Chair: Dr. Sumeeta Chatterjee, CAMH and University of Toronto
Presentation A: Anatomy of a COVID-19 Outbreak
Presenter: Dr. Sandy Simpson, Chief, Forensic Division, CAMH/ University of Toronto
Discussant: Dr. Mary Davoren, Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin
To describe the patterns of organizational steps taken to reduce COVID outbreak risk
To describe key steps required to manage a COVID-19 outbreak in a secure setting
Presentation B: How will COVID-19 Change Forensic Psychiatry?
Presenter: Prof. Harry Kennedy, Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin
Discussant: Dr. Treena Wilkie, Deputy Physician-in-Chief, Associate Chief of Forensic Division, CAMH/University of Toronto
To provide an overview of responses to COVID-19 in secure forensic settings
To provide a helicopter view of the future in the light of the pandemic
Presentation A: Italian Experiences of COVID-19 Pandemic
Presenter: Prof. Felice Carabellese, Section of Criminology and Forensic Psychiatry, University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy.
Discussant: Prof. Harry Kennedy, Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin
To describe the impact of a serious community outbreak on forensic staff and patients.
To describe initial lessons learned from on services and patient care.
Presentation B: Mental Health and Justice in the Time of Corona: A New York City Perspective on Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Presented: Dr. Melodie Foellmi, Clinical Forensic Psychologist; Senior Clinical Director EAC Network's Forensic Mental Health Division in New York City
Discussant: Dr Sumeeta Chatterjee, CAMH/UofT
Understand intersection of systemic disadvantage and inadequacies of the MHS disproportionately impacted CJ involved persons.
Shorter and longer term adaptions and reconceptualization of forensic care in the context of city-wide shutdown and pandemic effects.
Presentation A: COVID - 19: a further threat to human rights in prisons?
Presenter: Dr. Alan Mitchell, General Medical Practitioner; Commissioner, Scottish Human Rights Commission; Member, European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
Discussant: Dr. Connor O’Neill, Trinity College Dublin
Effective monitoring requires direct observation of conditions of detention.
Delivery of effective healthcare necessitates doctors ‘eyeballing’ their patients.
Presentation B: Correctional Mental Health Systems: Dealing with COVID-19
Presenter: Jeffrey L. Metzner, M.D., Clinical Professor of Psychiatry University Of Colorado School of Medicine
Discussant: Dr. Sandy Simpson, CAMH/UofT
National/international guidelines specific to managing COVID-19 in correctional facilities.
Forensic care pathway and the Pandemic: how did we restrict, how do we reopen?
Chair: Dr. Sandy Simpson, Associate Professor and Chief, Forensic Division, CAMH and U of T.
Presentation A
Presenter: Dr. Treena Wilkie, Deputy Physician and in Chief, Associate Chief, Forensic Division, CAMH and U of T.
Discussant: Dr. Carolyn Stanley, England
Presentation B
Presenter: Dr. Alexander Dvorak and Dr. Sergio Roseales-Rodriguez , Austrian Ministry of Justice
Discussant: Dr. Harry Kennedy, Trinity College Dublin
Participants will become oriented to national/international issues in patient care pathway disruption due the COVID 19
Participants will be exposed to issues in reopening of services and rehabilitation opportunities for forensic patients learn about issues in implementing such guidelines.
International perspectives on the pandemic: what happened and what have we learned?
Chair: Dr. Sandy Simpson, Associate Professor and Chief, Forensic Division, CAMH and U of T.
The final Webinar of this series will feature five international panelists who will each reflect on 3 questions:
What have been the major impacts of COVID-19 on your service?
Given this, what has been on your mind, and what are the major issues that it has caused you to reconsider about the way you run and deliver services?
What have we learned about the intersection of science, expertise and social disadvantage in public discourse and advocacy about needs of forensic service users during the pandemic?