The NAVIGATE Program provides a structured, measurement-based framework to coordinate the work of the multidisciplinary team to ensure consistent and early engagement of patients and their families in all aspects of early psychosis care.
At CAMH, in the Slaight Centre Early Intervention Service, we have implemented an integrated measurement-based care pathway based on NAVIGATE for early psychosis. Our data supports its implementation success, along with enhanced patient engagement in treatment services and reduced relapse rates.
A Week with NAVIGATE
This animated video outlines how NAVIGATE is tailored for each participant according to standardized guidelines for the entire province. It's a valuable resource to share with your patients and their family and friends to better understand NAVIGATE.
Although Ontario already has early psychosis intervention (EPI) programs, the NAVIGATE program aligns with Ontario EPI standards and CAMH’s recent work has identified major challenges of delivering comprehensive care, particularly those elements of care that enhance recovery, that can be overcome through coordination of care that NAVIGATE provides.
Ontario guidelines for inclusion
The Mental Health and Addictions Centre of Excellence at Ontario Health has outlined guidelines for inclusion in the provincial EPI program based on NAVIGATE.
The standardized eligibility criteria for the provincial program will be:
- Age: 14-35 year olds, with individuals outside of this age range being considered on a case-by-case basis
- Diagnosis: Nonaffective psychosis, affective psychosis and substance-induced psychosis. Exclusions if psychosis is secondary to a medical condition (including acquired brian injury). No exclusions for developmental disabilities.
- Additional Criteria: Exclusions if prior EPI treatment is >3 years and/or if the duration of psychosis is >5 years since diagnosis. No exclusions for prior antipsychotic treatment or previous non-EPI mental health treatment (e.g. seeing a psychiatrist).