Immigrant and Refugee Mental Health Main Course
Upcoming course offerings
- Spring 2025 (date to be determined)
Click here to be notified when registration opens
More information on the IRMHP Main course is available below.
The IRMHP Leadership Course
Upcoming course offerings
- Date to be determined
Click here to be notified when registration opens for the next Leadership course offering
The IRMHP leadership course is a new training for boards of directors, leaders, and managers in the health, settlement and social service sectors. It is designed to build your knowledge and skills in how to create an enabling environment to better support the mental health of immigrants and refugees in Canada.
Learn more about the Leadership course here.
Special populations course: Yazidi refugees
Registration is now closed
This is a free, self-directed training for health, settlement and social service providers across Canada (excluding Quebec) to provide culturally responsive and trauma-informed services that focus on the unique mental health needs of Yazidis.
Learn more about the Yazidi refugees course here.
About the Immigrant and Refugee Mental Health Project course
The Immigrant and Refugee Mental Health Project’s online course is a free, self-directed training that will offer a comprehensive overview of immigrant and refugee mental health, focusing on subgroups at risks. It will provide in-depth discussion on how context and culture influence mental health and mental illness, as well as providing sample tools and resources for use in various practice settings, and offering evidence-based strategies and interventions to help you provide better services and supports to different immigrant and refugee populations. You will find practical examples of promising and innovative practices effective in improving outcomes for different groups of immigrants and refugees.
The course is designed to provide a uniquely interactive learning experience where you can consult with experts in the field, share ideas and experiences with hundreds of service providers from all over Canada, and learn strategies you would use on-the-job. Using, online learning technology, the course will offer a balance of background information, current research evidence, practical information and video demonstrations.
Two streams of the online course will be offered: (1) settlement and social service providers stream (2) health service providers stream.
Course for Settlement and Social Service Providers
This course stream is intended for settlement workers or social service providers in Canada, who in their current training or role conduct needs assessments, provide settlement/social service information, and facilitate referrals. Participants in this stream may include service providers such as: community outreach facilitators, housing counsellors, employment facilitators, or family support workers.
* social workers, among other professionals, may benefit from each stream. However, you should choose the stream that is most relevant to your individual trainings, roles and responsibilities.
Course for Health Service Providers
This course stream is intended for health service providers in Canada, who in their current training or role conducts mental health screening/assessment, diagnosis, or treatment/therapy, and are comfortable with basic clinical language. Participants in this stream may include service providers such as: physicians, nurse practitioners, or psychologists/psychiatrists.
Contact us at:, or visit the FAQ page if you have any questions. Please note that these courses are not available to those residing in Quebec or outside of Canada.