There were many great entries this year, thank you for all the work you do to inspire students and fostering growth. Here are the finalists for both categories:
Rosa Dragonetti: Project Director, Addictions Education and Research
Daniel Blumberger: Medical Head, Temerty Centre for Therapeutic Brain Intervention
Education and Community Resources, Problem Gambling Institute of Ontario
Robert Murray, Stephen Meredith, BinhTam Le, Gurpal Bubbra, Janine Robinson, Beth Murray, Colleen Tessier, Lianne McKay, Matt Donnelly, Shawn Yu, Tazyia Lakkotrypis, Sylvia Hagopian
Problem Gambling, Gaming and Internet Use Education Team, Problem Gambling Institute of Ontario
Bruce Ballon, Lisa Pont, Colleen Tessier, Janis Wolfe, Doriann Shapiro, Kathryn Weiser, Stephen Meredith, Beth Murray, Sylvia Hagopia
Team CAT
Joy-Ann Perry, Raquel Williams, Cecilia Manicatide