As CEO of the Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario (RNAO), Dr. Grinspun's visit showcased our commitment to redefining health and advancing care through discovery and partnerships. The day featured a panel discussion, presentations on CAMH's Best Practice Guideline (BPG) efforts, and a tour of our Queen Street site.
Panel Discussion with Best Practice Guideline Leads
BPG Leads, Kim Mullens and Alfredo Ramirez, with Sherida Chambers, Director of Nursing Practice Innovation, engaged in a thought-provoking panel with Dr. Grinspun. Vice President Clinical Care and Chief Nursing Officer Dionne Sinclair moderated the discussion, which focused on:
- integrating evidence-based practices into care;
- overcoming BPG implementation challenges; and
- The BPGs' impact on patient outcomes and quality of life.
This panel embodied our mission to improve access to integrated care and enhance mental health services for patients.
BPSO Champion Presentations
CAMH BPSO Champions shared their progress implementing Best Practice Guidelines, showcasing work to continuously improve the care we provide. Presenters shared updates on:
- Promoting Safety: Alternative Approaches to the Use of Restraints
- Person-and Family-Centered Care
- Engaging Clients Who Use Substances
- Care Transitions
CAMH Queen St. Site Tour
Dr. Grinspun toured our programs and services, experiencing firsthand how our teams provide compassionate, high-quality care for our patients and families.
Thank you to everyone who participated in this event. Your dedication is helping us redefine health and advance care.