The Krembil Centre for Neuroinformatics at CAMH employs world-leading specialists to transform our understanding of mental health by organizing, integrating, analyzing, visualizing and modelling data across all levels of the brain – from genes to circuits to behaviour. This multimodal data is gathered across the clinical environment, including genetic, epigenetic, MRI, DTI, fMRI, hd-EEG, actigraphy and electronic medical record data.
Teams will employ state-of-the-art techniques, including topological data analysis, machine learning and multiscale computational modeling to accelerate identification and treatment of mental illnesses. Research is performed in an open, team science environment, with an emphasis on reproducible data-driven research and a patient-centric approach.
A focus on global collaboration is key to transforming our understanding of mental health and its treatment.
The centre will operate as an incubator for medical technologies to identify, manage and treat mental illnesses, while shaping policy at national and global levels.