One of the projects lead by CAMH Education’s Simulation and Digital Innovation team is the Teach Resiliency resource website. We asked Caroline Hebblethwaite to tell us a bit about it.
Educators’ roles are changing—increasingly they are finding themselves on the front lines of child and youth mental health. While they acknowledge the importance of their role, they have little support to effectively fulfill it.
Launched on May 4, 2017, Teach Resiliency offers teachers practical and evidence-informed resources and tools to support mental health in classrooms and schools—for students as well as educators.
The project is a partnership among Physical Health and Education Canada (PHE Canada), Western University’s Centre for School Mental Health and CAMH.
Supporting teachers and students
Teach Resiliency websiteTeach Resiliency is about connecting teachers to:
- practical, evidence-informed resources and tools that support mental health and wellness
- new research
- their peers—teachers, administrators, mental health professionals and researchers
- offer effective and practical strategies to support teacher resiliency and wellness
- develop, enhance and support teacher competencies
- enhance and support mental health literacy for teachers
- offer effective and practical strategies to support child and youth resiliency and mental health
Site users can search topics, filter results, compare, rate and comment on resources and recommend new resources for review by the Teach Resiliency team.
Collaborative development
The Teach Resiliency site content was created by a team of teachers, administrators, mental health professionals, researchers and students. This team developed tools and resources, curated resource collections and collaborated with the CAMH Education Simulation and Digital Innovation Team to design and build the website.
Speaking to a reporter from Western News, Susan Rodger, leader of the Centre for School Mental Health team said:
“It was a beautiful pairing of the university with the front-line individuals who needed, and would be using, the information. We focused as much on accessibility as content, since we needed a way to get evidence-informed information to busy, overworked teachers as quickly as possible.”
Next steps
We are working with the Centre for School Mental Health and PHE Canada to plan the ongoing development of Teach Resiliency, which could include an online community for teachers, an expanded collection of French-language resources and an evaluation framework.
Related links
CAMH Publications has a number of products related to children and youth. Check them out on our store here.
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