By Sarah Bonato, Reference/Research Librarian, CAMH Library
International FASD Awareness Day is observed every year on September 9th and aims to raise awareness about the risks of drinking alcohol during pregnancy and about the challenges that individuals with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and their families face. See below for a selection of Canadian resources on screening and diagnosis of FASD.
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: A Guideline for Diagnosis Across the Lifespan, by Cook J.L., Green C.R., Lilley C.M., Anderson S.M., Baldwin M.E., Chudley A.E., Conry J.L., LeBlanc N., Loock C.A., Lutke J., Mallon B.F..
From Canadian Medical Association Journal. 2016 Feb 16;188(3):191-7
- These Canadian guidelines were developed for multi-disciplinary diagnostic teams and provide recommendations on diagnostic criteria, medical/neurodevelopmental assessment, differential diagnosis and special considerations for infant and young children. Recommendations on screening, referral and support for pregnant or postpartum women and for individuals at risk of FASD are also included.
Access at
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: A Review of Diagnostic Test Accuracy, Clinical and Cost-Effectiveness of Diagnosis and Treatment, and Guidelines (2017)
From the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH)
- A rapid review on the evidence based on tools or tests for the diagnosis/assessment of FASD. The review also documents that there is currently insufficient data for recommending an optimal diagnostic test for FASD, and there currently is no “gold standard” for the FASD diagnosis process. The info on specific checklists, tools and test batteries may be especially helpful.
Access at FASD Final.pdf
The National Screening Tool Kit for Children and Youth Identified and Potentially Affected by Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (Last modified 2012)
From Canadian Association of Paediatric Health Centres (CAPHA)
- This toolkit was developed in partnership with the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), First Nations Inuit Health Branch—Health Canada and FASD experts, practitioners and researchers. All tools are available in both French and English, and a webinar is also available. Professionals using the toolkit can select a tool to best match the purpose for screening, such as for pre-natal alcohol exposure. CAPHA also stresses that use of the toolkit is not a substitute for a full FASD assessment and diagnosis.
Access at
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