These are extraordinary times and CAMH is committed to transparency and communication with the community that we serve. As the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve, CAMH will update the public when there are changes to report.
Today we are reporting three positive patient diagnoses and one positive staff diagnosis. We are also reporting one resolved patient diagnosis and three patient discharges. As of today, CAMH has one patient and three staff members with positive COVID-19 diagnoses.
A reminder that CAMH’s vaccine clinic is now open to the public. The following people can register for a vaccine appointment at
- People who are 70 years of age and older (born in 1951 or before)
- Adults self-identifying as First Nations, Inuit or Métis (age 16 and up)
- Health-care workers in priority risk groups
- Faith Leaders.
We remain vigilant about policies and procedures to keep staff and patients safe and we continue to work with our partners at Toronto Public Health on reporting, surveillance and infection control. Our staff monitors and follows the Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) recommendations from public health as they are updated, including about screening, testing and use of personal protective equipment.
We thank our staff and physicians for their continued work to care for our patients during these challenging times.
For more information on what CAMH is doing to protect staff and patients, visit