To celebrate National Indigenous Peoples Day, CAMH is hosting a Mini Pow Wow to educate, entertain and unite CAMH and the greater community.
“Getting Together in the Spirit of Reconciliation” will be held Tuesday, June 19 at CAMH’s Queen Street West campus.
“When it comes to Reconciliation, we can start by meeting each other at Indigenous-led events for authentic experiences to learn how we can support one another in the mental health care system and in Canada,” says CAMH Elder Kahontakwas Diane Longboat.
“National Indigenous History Month activities at CAMH enable staff members and the community as a whole to engage in activities to learn about the history and the cultures of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples, to learn how to support the healing journey of Indigenous peoples in both urban centres and in their rural and remote communities, and to gain a deeper appreciation for the contributions to Canada that our peoples can make.”
The Mini Pow Wow runs from 12 to 4 p.m. with drumming, vendors and crafts.
Everyone is welcome!
1001 Queen Street West in the green space behind unit 4. Parking is available in the parking garage at 101 Stokes Street.