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How to make the most out of Bell Let's Talk Day

In the seven years since Bell began their campaign to educate people about mental health and spread awareness and understanding about mental illness, Bell has donated over $79 million to mental health initiatives across Canada – and CAMH has been a proud partner every step of the way.

About How to make the most out of Bell Let's Talk Day

Evidence-based Resources for National Non-Smoking Week 2017

Information from CAMH Library

About Evidence-based Resources for National Non-Smoking Week 2017
A colourful illustration with the title

One in 20 Ontario youth diagnosed with ADHD, and many prescribed an antipsychotic despite no other mental health diagnosis: study

Many Ontario youth have been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and many are prescribed antipsychotic drugs.

About One in 20 Ontario youth diagnosed with ADHD, and many prescribed an antipsychotic despite no other mental health diagnosis: study
Dr. Branka Agic.

Dr. Branka Agic, a Torontonian who will change the city

Dr. Branka Agic, Manager of Health Equity at CAMH, was featured as part of CBC Metro Morning’s Who’s Next series.

About Dr. Branka Agic, a Torontonian who will change the city
A black shadow of a person with glasses on a gradient blue background with a tree on the right.

Blue Monday Survival Guide

As Blue Monday comes upon us again, we at CAMH want to help you get through what has been dubbed the most depressing day of the year.

About Blue Monday Survival Guide
Dr. Paul Benassi

CAMH enhances tobacco withdrawal support for Emergency Department clients

CAMH’s Emergency Department (ED) is a critical first point of entry for many people seeking urgent care for mental illness and addiction.

About CAMH enhances tobacco withdrawal support for Emergency Department clients
Any alcohol use (per cent) during pregnancy among the general population, 2012*

The global toll of fetal alcohol syndrome

New CAMH study provides worldwide estimates of this preventable birth defect.

About The global toll of fetal alcohol syndrome

5Qs about CAMH 

Education Evaluation and the Sheldon Kennedy Child Advocacy Centre e-Learning Project

About 5Qs about CAMH