Shameeza is one of several students currently working with CAMH Education. We’ll be featuring them and the projects they’re attached to over the course of this summer.
Who are you and what is your position at CAMH?
My name is Shameeza Allard and I am a Master of Public Health student at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto. For the duration of the summer, I will be working in the Client and Family Education team within the Education Department.What programs are you currently involved with?
My project involves conducting qualitative research on patient and family learning centres around the world.What is the goal of this project?
The primary goal of this project is to aid in the development of the CAMH RBC Patient and Family Learning Centre, which will be opening in 2020. The main part of my qualitative research is a literature review where I will be examining:• processes used by health institutions to develop learning centres
• methods utilized to understand the health information needs of patients and families
• methods used to evaluate the processes and impacts of these centres.
To further enhance my knowledge of patient and family learning centres, I’ll conduct an environmental scan and key informant interviews with stakeholders connected to learning centres.
A secondary goal is to gain a deeper understanding of how a large health institution such as CAMH operates on a daily basis.