Joining the Participant List
Everyone has their own reasons for taking part in a study. People register to participate whether they have a current mental health problem or not. Putting your name on the list may be an option if you're not ready to be part of a study right now, or can't find a study underway that you're eligible for.
If you join the list you'll be added to the CAMH Research Registry. Joining the list and participating in any study at CAMH is voluntary. You can withdraw from a study or remove your name from the registry at any time with no effect on ongoing or future care at CAMH. Once on the list, you may be contacted if a study is looking for participants that fit your profile. You can decide at that time if you wish to take part.
Before you decide to enroll you may wish to review the questions you will answer when completing the online form for the CAMH Research Registry.
Protecting Your Privacy
CAMH is committed to protecting your privacy. The information gathered as part of any CAMH study or through the CAMH Research Registry is managed, stored and protected by CAMH in accordance with Ontario law. If you are in a treatment study, your clinical information will be stored in our e-Health Record system, accessible only to the health care team directly involved in your clinical care, as well as the research team.
If you have any questions or concerns about the confidentiality of your information, you may contact us by emailing or by phone at 416 535-8501 ext. 31630. Further information may be obtained through the CAMH Privacy & Information Office