By Sarah Bonato, Reference/Research Librarian, CAMH Library
The 2018 theme for the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is promoting tolerance, inclusion, unity and respect for diversity in the context of combating racial discrimination.
See below for a list of select Canadian resources on combating racial discrimination in health care.
Colour Coded Health Care: The impact of race and racism on Canadians’ health (2012), by Sheryl Nestel
From Wellesley Institute
- This report discusses concept of race and its relationship to health outcomes and the significance of racial inequities.
Access at
Let’s Talk: Racism and Health Equity (2017)
From the National Collaborating Centre for the Determinants of Health
- Raises the issue that racism is a public health issue.
Access at
Perceptions of Discrimination in Health Services Experienced by Immigrant Minorities in Ontario (2012), by Grace Pollock, Bruce Newbold, Ginette Lafrenière, and Sara Edge
From Citizenship and Immigration Canada
- This study explores the impacts of discrimination on refugees and immigrants through a literature review on discrimination in the health care environment and also interviews with health care providers, immigrant newcomers and refugees.
Access at:
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