Mental Health
Instead of this ... Say this Why?
Suffering from/struggling with a mental illness
Living with a mental illness/experiencing a mental illness
The way we talk about mental illness should not paint the person as a victim.
[Name] is mentally ill

[Name] is schizophrenic

[Name] is a drug addict
[Name] is living with a mental illness / experiencing a mental illness

[Name] has schizophrenia / is living with schizophrenia

[Name] has substance use disorder / is living with substance use disorder
Defining a person by their mental illness makes the illness become that person’s “master status.”
Acknowledge the person first, then the illness.
  • Instead of this ...
  • Suffering from/struggling with a mental illness
  • [Name] is mentally ill [Name] is schizophrenic [Name] is a drug addict
  • Say this
  • Living with a mental illness/experiencing a mental illness
  • [Name] is living with a mental illness / experiencing a mental illness [Name] has schizophrenia / is living with schizophrenia [Name] has substance use disorder / is living with substance use disorder
  • Why?
  • The way we talk about mental illness should not paint the person as a victim.
  • Defining a person by their mental illness makes the illness become that person’s “master status.” Acknowledge the person first, then the illness.
Instead of this ... Say this ... Why
commit / committed suicide Died by suicide / death by suicide / lost their life to suicide “Commit” implies suicide is a sin or crime, reinforcing the stigma that it’s a selfish act and personal choice.

Using neutral phrasing like “died by suicide” helps strip away the shame / blame element.
successful / unsuccessful suicide

completed / failed suicide
Died by suicide / survived a suicide attempt / lived through a suicide attempt
fatal suicidal behaviour / non-fatal suicidal behaviour

fatal suicide attempt / non-fatal suicide attempt
The notion of a “successful” suicide is inappropriate because it frames a very tragic outcome as an achievement or something positive

To be matter-of-fact, a suicide attempt is either fatal or not.
  • Instead of this ...
  • commit / committed suicide
  • successful / unsuccessful suicidecompleted / failed suicide
  • Say this ...
  • Died by suicide / death by suicide / lost their life to suicide
  • Died by suicide / survived a suicide attempt / lived through a suicide attempt fatal suicidal behaviour / non-fatal suicidal behaviour fatal suicide attempt / non-fatal suicide attempt
  • Why
  • “Commit” implies suicide is a sin or crime, reinforcing the stigma that it’s a selfish act and personal choice. Using neutral phrasing like “died by suicide” helps strip away the shame / blame element.
  • The notion of a “successful” suicide is inappropriate because it frames a very tragic outcome as an achievement or something positive To be matter-of-fact, a suicide attempt is either fatal or not.
Everyday Expressions
Instead of this ... Say this Why?
That's crazy / nuts / insane
This kind of language is not typically intended to hurt but can have a negative impact on people living with mental illness. Being conscious of the words we use in our daily lives can help foster a stigma-free environment and empower people to speak openly about mental health.
  • Instead of this ...
  • That's crazy / nuts / insane
  • Say this
  • Why?
  • This kind of language is not typically intended to hurt but can have a negative impact on people living with mental illness. Being conscious of the words we use in our daily lives can help foster a stigma-free environment and empower people to speak openly about mental health.