By Hilary Caton
The weather is finally beginning to warm up and CAMHers are making their way outside to enjoy the summer weather.
For those who will be strolling on the grounds of the Queen Street campus, you may notice a few new no smoking signs sprinkled around the property that say “No Smoking– Hospital Zone.”
The initiative was sparked by the Smoke-Free Ontario Act that forced all outdoor grounds of hospitals to be completely smoke-free January 1, 2018.
“We want to communicate clearly that as with all other hospitals, CAMH is a smoke-free, recovery zone. This includes all buildings and outdoor areas including parking lots,” says Bharati Singh, Manager, First Impressions, CAMH.
A tobacco-free hospital site eliminates powerful triggers for clients and staff who are trying to quit or to stay tobacco-free.
CAMH has also replaced the outdated “No smoking within nine metres of the entrance” signs on the building at 100 Lower Ossington to a new sign that simply states “No Smoking.”
To help promote CAMH being smoke-free, our community ambassadors will continue to educate and inform visitors and patients of the new policy and law. The property does have certain “hot spots” for smoking, says Bharati, but the hope is the new signs along with the Community Ambassadors walking around will help to mitigate the smoking.