The war in Ukraine is having a significant impact on the well-being of Ukrainians who recently arrived in Canada fleeing the war, but also Canadians who are not directly impacted by this conflict. CAMH has compiled evidence-based resources to help anyone feeling increased levels of stress and anxiety about the war in Ukraine.
CAMH resources in English
Anxiety Canada resources in English and Ukrainian for individuals experiencing the traumas of war:
- Strategies for emotional traumas of war or other traumatic situations
- How to talk to children and adolescents about war
- Helping children and teens with war-related stress
Resilience&Hope4Ukraine, an Alberta-based free messaging service in four languages: Ukrainian, Russian, English and French that helps people identify and adjust the negative thoughts, feelings, and behaviours they may be experiencing.
Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) “Psychology Works” Fact sheet: coping with emergencies, disasters and violent events is available in English, French and Ukrainian
Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) self-care resources for those who feel distressed by the conflict in Ukraine